You’ve accepted the idea that you’re going to share custody of the kids with your ex-spouse. What you can’t accept, however, is the idea that your ex-spouse’s business takes them out of town quite a bit -- and that means your children will end up in someone’s care far...
Michelle Hoover
How do you find a fair way to put a value on deferred stock?
Successful professionals often have more complicated property to handle in a divorce. They may have more than one piece of real estate that they own jointly with their spouse, as well as retirement and investment accounts. There can also be benefits and non-standard...
Can I modify child custody or child support?
Parenting after divorce can be challenging if the other parent refuses to accept that circumstances change. If they will not give you the flexibility you need, you may need to go to court to modify arrangements. In certain circumstances, you may need the court to...
When wives have a higher income than their husbands, husbands often want out
Data published by the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2019 showed that at least 38% of women now earn more than their spouses. This index doesn't appear to sit well with male spouses. A 2019 study published in MEL magazine captured how income...
When can you ask the court to end spousal support?
When one spouse files for divorce in a high-income or high-asset household, they might request spousal support. California courts may grant alimony (spousal maintenance) for dependent spouses both during and after a divorce. You may recognize that your ex needed help...
Will you lose funds if you split a retirement account in divorce?
Planning for retirement typically means spending years setting aside small amounts of money. You contribute a little from each paycheck to a special fund or account so that you can support yourself when you eventually stop working. Many retirement savings programs...
Want a less-contentious divorce? Read this
When you're a parent who is going through a divorce, there's a lot of practical things that have to be handled. Because there are so many issues that you’ll have to field, you should do what you can to reduce the kind of contention between you and your ex that can be...
Will divorce bring me happiness?
Almost all things that we do in life are in the pursuit of happiness or the avoidance of pain. We go to work each day because we believe that having the funds to afford food, shelter and the luxuries in life will bring us pleasure. We likely got married because we...
What a disability means for spousal support in your divorce
Having a spouse with a serious medical condition can be a source of stress. Some marriages cannot weather the pressure of a serious illness. If you realize that you don't want to remain married after your spouse's diagnosis with a serious medical condition, you are...
Confronting Domestic Violence: 7-Part Series
The following 7-part series written by WomenSV, a Hoover Krepelka community partner, sheds light on the effects of domestic violence. If you are a victim of domestic violence, our lawyers and legal team are here to help you protect yourself and find resources you may...