Have you noticed that some of your money seems to be missing from your bank account? Does it appear that your spouse is spending a lot but you don’t know where they’ve gotten the funds? If you’re divorcing, it’s important to think about the potential for your spouse...
Month: June 2021
What could end spousal support after a divorce?
When you got divorced, your spouse convinced the judge that you must pay spousal support. Things have changed since then, and you may wonder if you can stop paying it. Spousal support is what many refer to as alimony. California judges may award it at their discretion...
Can your child decide to live with your ex?
When you got divorced, your only child was still fairly young, and the court split the parenting time between you and your ex. Now, though, your child is a young teenager and has been saying that they don’t want to live with you any longer. They want your ex to have...