It can be frustrating when your estranged spouse tries to act like you don't deserve your fair share of your marital assets. It can be annoying to see them act like you didn't pull your own weight or that you were just relying on their income.You stayed at home to...
Michelle Hoover
You should seek reasonable visitation time with your child
Visitation is often a concern during divorce, especially if one parent is not set to be the primary custodian of their children. Maybe their schedule is just too busy to have regular custody, or perhaps they are not suited to care for their children around the clock...
Do you anticipate your divorce to be full of difficulties?
When you first married, you may not have seen anything in your spouse that pointed to a troubling personality. However, as the years went on (or possibly even sooner than that), you may have come to realize that your spouse was not who you initially thought he or she...
Mother fled Italy with child, Hague Convention draws concerns
Custody cases are difficult at the best of times, but when international law is part of the case, they become even more difficult. That's what's going on in this case with an American mother and Italian child.The child was born in Italy, but the mother fled with her...
Spousal support: A helpful payment
Spousal support can be a topic that few spouses actually want to discuss. Why? It can become heated. After all, one person may feel slighted and want compensation as they try to move on, while another may feel that it's unfair to continue paying for the other party's...
You can escape abuse: Get emergency support
When you are a victim of violence, one of the things you want more than anything is to live in a safe environment once again. It's hard to get out of the situation, though, because any move you make may set off the aggressor once again.When you have children, it's...
Speak out if you’re concerned about parental alienation
If there is one thing that you're sure of, it's that your ex-spouse is narcissistic and cares little about what they do to bring you pain. You know this because of the actions they've been taking with your child.Every time your child goes to their home and returns,...
Seeking assets your spouse is hiding during divorce
Like many modern couples, you and your spouse may both have good paying jobs. Perhaps you combined your incomes in a joint account, or you may have decided to deal with bills individually and keep your accounts separate. Whatever the case, if you are approaching...
How should you divide your business during divorce?
When you have a business, stocks, retirement accounts and other complex assets, dividing them upon divorce can be difficult. You may not know how much each asset will be worth, or want to give certain assets up.In California, you're expected to split your assets...
Lump-sum alimony is a great option for divorcing couples
Spousal support causes a lot of people concern because they aren't sure if they should ask for it. In some ways, spousal support can be a great benefit. However, it does have the potential to tie you to your ex-spouse long after your divorce has been finalized.One way...