Once you get through the emotional blow that comes with the decision to divorce, you have to deal with the practical concerns, including the division of your marital property. California is a community property state, which means that you and your spouse are supposed...
Complex Property Division
Can you keep the art collection you purchased during your marriage?
Your greatest joy throughout your marriage was being able to put together a collection of art from modern-day masters. You have spent thousands on the artwork you collected. You paid for everything out of pocket and used your own earnings to cover the expenses. Now,...
Handling stock options earned by your spouse in a divorce
The family courts in California do their best to find fair ways to split up the assets and debts a couple acquires through the course of their marriage. However, there are certain assets that can be more difficult and complex to divide up at the end of a marriage. For...
If you need to split a retirement account, you may need a QDRO
Couples with higher overall assets often have to deal with more difficulty in the asset division process when compared with those who have fewer or less complex assets. Complex assets could include investments or real estate holdings. They could also include...
Should you get your art appraised before divorce?
You and your spouse were avid collectors of art. You collected it from unknown artists and from people who were fairly well-known in the art world. Today, you're divorcing, but you have a problem. You have dozens of pieces that you feel are probably of little value,...
Is a 50-50 split good for divorcees?
When it comes to divorce, it's probable that you're going to have some complex issues when dividing your property. You might struggle with deciding how to divide your retirement accounts or be worried about the best way to split your home or major assets.The good...
Get help dividing your assets in California
Property division isn't always easy. This is particularly true when you have complex property division concerns. For example, you might have an inheritance that has been shared from time to time, or you may have savings or retirement accounts that you need to...
Negotiations can help you resolve property division concerns
When you're in a marriage with many assets, the idea that you'll have to divide them between you and your soon-to-be ex during a divorce can be daunting. You need to be aware that California's laws require you to divide your assets equally unless you have a prenuptial...
Can you negotiate on your assets in California?
There are some divorce cases that are more complex than others. Some involve factors such as alimony, child custody, child support and more. If you own trusts, retirement accounts and other high-value assets, your divorce could be complicated and require a skilled...
Ways your ex may try to hide assets from you during a divorce
While hiding assets during a divorce is illegal, there's always a sneaky spouse out there that thinks that they won't get caught. If they are really good at their game, then they could rob you of access to assets you'd otherwise be entitled to when you divorce.Some of...