Parents who have a child with special needs or a mental illness know that the costs for providing effective therapy to support their mental well-being can be staggering. Even when health insurance coverage is available for appropriate services, co-pays and deductibles...
Spousal & Child Support
Spousal Support and Retirement: What Happens When the Payor Retires in California?
When a long-term marriage ends in California, the lower-earning spouse may be awarded permanent or long-term spousal support that does not have a set end date when the payor’s obligation expires. In determining what is appropriate, the court must consider a range of...
How Remarriage or Cohabitation Affects Spousal Support in California
When a couple divorces in California, the higher-earning spouse may be obligated to pay spousal support to their lower-earning ex to maintain the marital standard of living. Perhaps alimony has been ordered for a limited amount of time as in a short-term marriage, or...
Understanding Gavron Warnings in California Spousal Support Cases
When a couple divorces, the higher-earning spouse may fear that despite the end of the marriage, they will have a financial obligation to support their ex forever. However, in California, the presumption is that spousal support (also known as alimony) is not...
Do I Have to Pay Spousal Support During a Separation in California?
When a couple decides to legally separate, they may be unsure of their legal obligations to one another under the new status. Unlike in a divorce, spouses who are legally separated are still married, though they will also have a larger degree of financial independence...
The Role of Spousal Support in Short- and Long-Term Marriages
When a couple gets divorced, settling the financial details and dividing the assets they accumulated during marriage can be one of the most contentious and difficult parts of the process. In addition, one spouse may seek spousal support (also known as alimony),...
Will your spouse’s adultery increase your spousal support?
Alimony or spousal support can be important to someone who doesn't make as much as their spouse. When you want to move on and live independently, you may need temporary financial support as you start out on your own. If you have been married for decades and are past...
Can custody arrangements impact California spousal support?
You and your spouse have likely shared so much during your marriage that separating your lives in a divorce can be very difficult. The more you have invested in the marital home or in raising a family, the greater the discrepancy between your current financial...
What are the different types of spousal support in California?
During the divorce process, couples can work through contentious issues like property division, child custody and child support without the need to involve the court. However, most divorcing couples require court intervention when discussing spousal support....
What expenses do spouses often forget when requesting spousal support?
Many spouses put their careers on hold to make a move to a new area to support their husband's or wife's career ambitions. Others do so to care for their kids during their formative years. Spouses who do this must often rely on the other spouse's income to sustain...