You and your spouse have likely shared so much during your marriage that separating your lives in a divorce can be very difficult. The more you have invested in the marital home or in raising a family, the greater the discrepancy between your current financial...
Spousal & Child Support
What are the different types of spousal support in California?
During the divorce process, couples can work through contentious issues like property division, child custody and child support without the need to involve the court. However, most divorcing couples require court intervention when discussing spousal support....
What expenses do spouses often forget when requesting spousal support?
Many spouses put their careers on hold to make a move to a new area to support their husband's or wife's career ambitions. Others do so to care for their kids during their formative years. Spouses who do this must often rely on the other spouse's income to sustain...
When can you ask the court to end spousal support?
When one spouse files for divorce in a high-income or high-asset household, they might request spousal support. California courts may grant alimony (spousal maintenance) for dependent spouses both during and after a divorce. You may recognize that your ex needed help...
Do you have to keep paying spousal support when your ex remarries?
If the California family courts order you to pay spousal support (also known as alimony) after a divorce, you probably feel eager to end that financial obligation. Spousal support can significantly impact your budget, all without the tax write-off it used to offer....
What types of spousal support are available in California?
When a marriage ends, couples must address several issues before the divorce is complete. These issues include property division, child support and child custody. In many divorces, couples must also make vital decisions about spousal support or alimony. Marriages in...
If you need support, then you need to start negotiating
If you're getting a divorce, one thing that might be on your mind is how you're going to afford to live on your own. You've been raising your children while your spouse works, and it's been your spouse paying for your needs for several years.You plan to go back to...
You can fight for the spousal support that you deserve
It can be frustrating when your estranged spouse tries to act like you don't deserve your fair share of your marital assets. It can be annoying to see them act like you didn't pull your own weight or that you were just relying on their income.You stayed at home to...
Spousal support: A helpful payment
Spousal support can be a topic that few spouses actually want to discuss. Why? It can become heated. After all, one person may feel slighted and want compensation as they try to move on, while another may feel that it's unfair to continue paying for the other party's...
Lump-sum alimony is a great option for divorcing couples
Spousal support causes a lot of people concern because they aren't sure if they should ask for it. In some ways, spousal support can be a great benefit. However, it does have the potential to tie you to your ex-spouse long after your divorce has been finalized.One way...