Spousal support is something that not every divorcee has to worry about, but for those who relied on their spouses for income and support, it can be a lifeline. You might rely on that income to help you go back to school or to get an apartment in a better part of...
Spousal & Child Support
Is it better to take lump-sum alimony?
Lump-sum alimony can be a good choice for those who need money now, just as it's a wise choice for those who don't want to be tied down with monthly payments.As someone who is receiving alimony, you may not like the idea of allowing your ex-spouse to pay you monthly...
Should you seek alimony from your spouse?
There's no question that spousal support can be a difficult issue to address during a divorce. Sometimes, neither party wants to continue to have anything to do with the other, and spousal support does link them for some time into the future.If you are entitled to...
What is Spousal Support, Also Known as Alimony?
If you've made more money than your spouse and are considering filing for divorce, brace yourself. You may be required to make alimony, also known as spousal support, payments. This includes spouses who worked while the other took care of the home. The payments are...