A divorcing couple who shares children may spend considerable time negotiating a custody settlement when they split up or may require court intervention to create their parenting plan. Shared custody arrangements are common, but they aren't always even. Although...
Michelle Hoover
Could bird nesting help make your divorce easier?
As a parent of a child who is having trouble adjusting to the idea of a divorce, you want to do what is in their best interests. You and your spouse own multiple properties, and there is a potential that you could keep, and share, the marital home. Since that’s the...
What happens to your debt in a California divorce?
When you file for divorce, you and your ex will have to divide the property you share. Your bank accounts, your vehicles and even your house are subject to division in a California divorce. Community property rules give spouses an equal claim to assets and income from...
Does the parent with more money always get the children?
If you’re getting divorced and your spouse earns more than you or simply has more separate assets to fall back on, you may worry that the court will give your ex custody instead of you. It feels like your ex could argue that their relative wealth, compared to yours,...
What expenses do spouses often forget when requesting spousal support?
Many spouses put their careers on hold to make a move to a new area to support their husband's or wife's career ambitions. Others do so to care for their kids during their formative years. Spouses who do this must often rely on the other spouse's income to sustain...
Can you keep the family home after a divorce?
Divorce may already feel jarring enough. To give yourself -- and your children -- a bit more stability, you may decide that you at least want to keep the house after your divorce is over. But can you? If you and your spouse bought it together long before you thought...
How do you find missing or hidden assets during divorce?
Have you noticed that some of your money seems to be missing from your bank account? Does it appear that your spouse is spending a lot but you don’t know where they’ve gotten the funds? If you’re divorcing, it’s important to think about the potential for your spouse...
What could end spousal support after a divorce?
When you got divorced, your spouse convinced the judge that you must pay spousal support. Things have changed since then, and you may wonder if you can stop paying it. Spousal support is what many refer to as alimony. California judges may award it at their discretion...
Can your child decide to live with your ex?
When you got divorced, your only child was still fairly young, and the court split the parenting time between you and your ex. Now, though, your child is a young teenager and has been saying that they don’t want to live with you any longer. They want your ex to have...
How will divorce affect your retirement plans?
One bonus of divorce is that you will be free to live where you wish. If you always want to buy a Winnebago and travel the country, or move to be nearer your adult kids, you are free to do so -- as long as you can afford it. To be free to spend your retirement as you...