This last year has taken a heavy mental toll on many people in the Bay Area. As a result, more couples than ever are thinking about divorce. James Hoover, one of our partners, was interviewed on the topic by ABC7 News recently, for his thoughts on what's happening....
Michelle Hoover
Do you have to keep paying spousal support when your ex remarries?
If the California family courts order you to pay spousal support (also known as alimony) after a divorce, you probably feel eager to end that financial obligation. Spousal support can significantly impact your budget, all without the tax write-off it used to offer....
Getting organized to face complex asset division at divorce
If you have been married to your spouse for many years, it's likely that your finances have become intertwined substantially. While one spouse is likely to earn more than the other, you probably feel that you both have contributed relatively equally to the running of...
Search out these records in complex property division situations
If you are preparing for a divorce, you do not need anyone telling you how hard or complicated it is to end a marriage. However, you might be able to use some guidance on how to get the property settlement you deserve. In our California family law practice, we have...
3 ways for you and your ex to handle your real estate in divorce
Real property, such as houses, vacant land or even commercial holdings, can be the most valuable possessions a couple acquires during their marriage. The value represented by real property is one of the reasons why real estate holdings often become the most contested...
It takes significant wealth to use nesting as a custody solution
As a child custody option, nesting sounds attractive to many parents. That does not mean they can all use it, though, even if they think it would be best for their kids. In short, nesting just means using one home for the children to live in 100% of the time. The...
Child custody, visitation and holiday retreats
Do you enjoy taking a trip (or several trips) during the holiday season? Do you have plans on bringing your children along this year? If you answered yes to both questions, the last thing you want is something or someone standing in your way. But if you’re divorced,...
Quasi-community property in California: What you should know
Once you get through the emotional blow that comes with the decision to divorce, you have to deal with the practical concerns, including the division of your marital property. California is a community property state, which means that you and your spouse are supposed...
Complex property division: It’s not uncommon for spouses to hide assets
If your marriage is heading toward a divorce, you probably already know that it can bring out a person’s worst behavior. Emotions typically run to extremes and can include anger and hurt. These emotions, particularly anger, often make people behave in ways that are...
Getting divorced? Don’t move out of the family home just yet
When it becomes clear that getting divorced is the only real option you have left (other than staying in an unhappy marriage), you may be more than ready to get away from your spouse. If tensions are high, moving out of the family home may seem like the right thing to...