Your greatest joy throughout your marriage was being able to put together a collection of art from modern-day masters. You have spent thousands on the artwork you collected. You paid for everything out of pocket and used your own earnings to cover the expenses. Now,...
Michelle Hoover
Can you challenge your prenup if you plan to get divorced?
You married someone with professional aspirations because you expected a decent standard of life and probably found their ambition attractive or inspiring. Unfortunately, before you got married, you agreed to sign a prenuptial agreement that extended many protections...
Getting ready for divorce court: Here’s what to expect
You never thought that your spouse would make your divorce as contentious as they have, but since you are involved in a long, drawn-out conflict, you’re glad to be going to court. You want to be as prepared as possible, so you can get the settlement that you want and...
Can you stop your ex from leaving your child with a nanny?
Differing parenting styles and values can cause problems when exes co-parent. If your ex-spouse spends a lot of time at work or travels extensively, for example, you may feel that it is not in your child’s best interests to constantly be left with the nanny. But can...
Are those ‘business loans’ an attempt to hide assets?
You file for divorce, and your spouse is less than pleased. Life goes on as you sort out the details, however, and your spouse often invests in other businesses all across the state. As you start digging into the financial details, you find numerous transactions where...
Travis Krepelka Family Law interview on Freshstart TV
Have you ever wondered about the following? How much does a divorce cost? How long does a divorce take? What is the advantage of hiring a qualified divorce attorney? Who keeps the house during a divorce? What happens when people lie in divorce court? How can I protect...
Professional success could lead to divorce
Rising to the top of your industry is no accident. You have invested years of your life in education and training. You started at the top and worked hard for every promotion. Now, twenty years into your career, you are finally seeing the type of professional success...
Handling stock options earned by your spouse in a divorce
The family courts in California do their best to find fair ways to split up the assets and debts a couple acquires through the course of their marriage. However, there are certain assets that can be more difficult and complex to divide up at the end of a marriage. For...
Spending time as a family after divorce
Does divorce mean the end of family time? That is how many people take it. Even if the parents divide their time with the children, they spend that time with them independently. They do not have full family time any longer. However, there are cases where this type of...
If you need to split a retirement account, you may need a QDRO
Couples with higher overall assets often have to deal with more difficulty in the asset division process when compared with those who have fewer or less complex assets. Complex assets could include investments or real estate holdings. They could also include...