California professionals working in high-demand occupations often have very complex compensation packages. Companies offer many benefits, including deferred stock options, to incentivize a long relationship with newly-acquired talent and to have them invested in the...
Michelle Hoover
Will your ex-spouse get half of your retirement savings?
If you're nearing retirement and are considering a divorce, it's important to understand how this will impact your finances. You are probably concerned that your ex-spouse will get half of your retirement savings. Here is what you need to know about splitting...
What is the right of first refusal in a child custody case?
When your spouse had a busy day at work, you were around to care for your child. Occasionally, you have a babysitter show up when you and your spouse needed a night out. Now that you’re divorced, however, you may need to talk to your co-parent about who’s looking...
Why cryptocurrency could be a problem in your divorce
California considers married couples to be a “community.” When you divorce, you must divide most things that you or your spouse acquired during the marriage as state law considers most of those things to belong to “the community” rather than either of you as...
3 places to look for hidden assets in a high-asset divorce
High-asset divorces frequently come with significant complications. The more property you have in your marital estate, the more motivation you have to fight with your ex. Some people aren't happy with negotiating with their ex or even litigating in the family courts....
Do not forget about your life insurance when you divorce
Divorce involves several messy tasks. Attempting to sort out your life insurance is something that is commonly overlooked. When you are trying to divide assets and make sure your children are adjusting to the changes, trying to figure out what to do with your life...
Can your children refuse to see you for scheduled parenting time?
You defer to your parenting plan for all of the major decisions regarding your children. However, when you show up to spend some time with the kids, your ex informs you that they don't want to see you. Even though you drove across town to pick them up and already...
3 ways divorcing parents can handle important dates
As parents about to divorce, you will spend a lot of time thinking about how you will split time with your kids. When you do this, it is crucial to remember that not all dates are equal. Specific days each year have much more significance for people, and some are...
3 ways counseling can help with a divorce
Many people go through a divorce. While some people can end their relationship and move on with their lives, you may not have that ease. When people struggle with major changes in their lives, such as divorce, they may seek therapy. There are many different fields of...
Concerns and considerations when your co-parent is an addict
Addiction to drugs or alcohol can affect all types of families, including those with wealth. It leads to marital problems that typically culminate in divorce. While you may be relieved that you must no longer live with an addict, you are still involved in their...