Have you noticed that some of your money seems to be missing from your bank account? Does it appear that your spouse is spending a lot but you don’t know where they’ve gotten the funds? If you’re divorcing, it’s important to think about the potential for your spouse...
Family Law
Confronting Domestic Violence: 7-Part Series
The following 7-part series written by WomenSV, a Hoover Krepelka community partner, sheds light on the effects of domestic violence. If you are a victim of domestic violence, our lawyers and legal team are here to help you protect yourself and find resources you may...
Can you challenge your prenup if you plan to get divorced?
You married someone with professional aspirations because you expected a decent standard of life and probably found their ambition attractive or inspiring. Unfortunately, before you got married, you agreed to sign a prenuptial agreement that extended many protections...
Dirty tricks your spouse may try to play during your divorce
Your spouse’s wrath at you for leaving may know no bounds during your divorce -- particularly if there’s a lot at stake. Embittered spouses will sometimes go to great lengths to make a divorce as difficult as possible. They aren’t always shy about pulling some dirty...
When can you ask for a modification of your custody plan?
The courts know that there is no way for life to remain the same forever. That's why it's not unusual for them to hear cases where parents want to modify their custody plans.There are so many reasons why you might want to change your custody schedule that it's hard to...
Mother fled Italy with child, Hague Convention draws concerns
Custody cases are difficult at the best of times, but when international law is part of the case, they become even more difficult. That's what's going on in this case with an American mother and Italian child.The child was born in Italy, but the mother fled with her...
You can escape abuse: Get emergency support
When you are a victim of violence, one of the things you want more than anything is to live in a safe environment once again. It's hard to get out of the situation, though, because any move you make may set off the aggressor once again.When you have children, it's...
Protect your children by keeping conflict out of your home
Children often have a hard time with divorce. While their parents are focused on their own hurt feelings and the changes that result from separating, their children may be left to handle their emotions on their own.The trouble with that is that children often don't...
Vengeful spouse? Don’t go through divorce alone
You and your spouse were always the best of friends, but in the last few months, you've noticed changes. Now, out of the blue, he's seeking a divorce. You don't know why, and frankly, you don't care why. All you know is that they're being unreasonable and that you're...
Don’t be afraid to ask for help fleeing domestic violence
No one should have to go through the trauma of violence in the home, but many people deal with it every day. Domestic violence is a true problem in American society, and it can be a roadblock to people who want to leave their relationships.As someone dealing with...