San Jose Divorce Lawyer: Stipulations In Divorce Proceedings

by | Aug 1, 2016 | Firm News

The parties involved in a San Jose, California divorce are encouraged to reach agreement on as many issues as possible. When this is possible, the parties tend to be more in control of the outcome. Furthermore, agreements and stipulations in divorce proceedings typically lead to a shorter divorce and less paid out in San Jose divorce lawyer fees.

Generally, San Jose courts look to approve stipulations in divorce proceedings to resolve the dissolution of marriage as efficiently as possible. The stipulation must, however, adhere to applicable California family law and local San Jose court rules and legal standards. To ensure that an agreement you may decide to enter protects your rights and will gain court approval, we encourage you to contact a San Jose divorce lawyer as soon as possible.

Division of assets and liabilities in any San Jose divorce case is a complicated process. It has the potential to affect both of the parties’ financial standings. For this reason and many other critical factors, individuals that are considering divorce are encouraged to consult with an experienced San Jose divorce lawyer – an individual who handles such agreements and stipulations on a daily basis. For years, the family law attorneys at [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] have assisted clients gain court approval of stipulations in divorce proceedings . For a free consultation with a dedicated and experienced San Jose divorce lawyer, contact us today.

*The above is not meant to be legal advice, and every case is different. Feel free to reach out to us at Hoover Krepelka, LLP, if you have any questions. Information contained in this content and website should not be relied on as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice on your specific situation. 

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