Life has certainly changed since mid-March, when most Californians began staying at home except to get necessary provisions because of the spreading coronavirus. With the state’s shelter-in-place order continuing most likely throughout the summer, many marriages have...
Michelle Hoover
What types of spousal support are available in California?
When a marriage ends, couples must address several issues before the divorce is complete. These issues include property division, child support and child custody. In many divorces, couples must also make vital decisions about spousal support or alimony. Marriages in...
Dirty tricks your spouse may try to play during your divorce
Your spouse’s wrath at you for leaving may know no bounds during your divorce -- particularly if there’s a lot at stake. Embittered spouses will sometimes go to great lengths to make a divorce as difficult as possible. They aren’t always shy about pulling some dirty...
Running a business with your ex after getting divorced
Do you think that getting divorced means you cut off all contact with your ex? For some people, it certainly can. However, for many, there is just no way to completely sever those ties, even when they end the legal marriage. For instance, many parents stay in frequent...
How to handle custody arrangements as a busy professional parent
When you work a demanding job, whether you're an executive, a medical professional or an engineer, you may have to put in long hours in order to advance in your career. Many professionals may work 60 or more hours a week at their job, as well as needing to respond to...
When can you ask for a modification of your custody plan?
The courts know that there is no way for life to remain the same forever. That's why it's not unusual for them to hear cases where parents want to modify their custody plans.There are so many reasons why you might want to change your custody schedule that it's hard to...
If you need support, then you need to start negotiating
If you're getting a divorce, one thing that might be on your mind is how you're going to afford to live on your own. You've been raising your children while your spouse works, and it's been your spouse paying for your needs for several years.You plan to go back to...
Is it possible to co-parent successfully after your divorce?
One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce is determining what will happen with the children. Custody and visitation are some of the most complicated aspects of divorce, and parents often want to choose an arrangement that provides their child with stability and...
How can you avoid fights when exchanging custody?
You love your kids, but it's been tough seeing your ex-spouse every time you have to pick them up or drop them off. You hated that your marriage ended the way it did, but despite your best intentions, you and your ex simply don't get along.Now, you've found it...
Should you get your art appraised before divorce?
You and your spouse were avid collectors of art. You collected it from unknown artists and from people who were fairly well-known in the art world. Today, you're divorcing, but you have a problem. You have dozens of pieces that you feel are probably of little value,...