Social media mistakes can lead to embarrassing consequences for your social or professional life. At worst, you could lose friends or your job. However, you could also make mistakes on social media during your divorce. Depending on the nature of the mistake, you could...
Michelle Hoover
3 Surprising Reasons Why You Might Lose Child Custody
In family court, the judge might award joint or sole legal or physical custody to the parents of a child. Should you lose legal or physical child custody, your visitation might become limited. If you're facing a child custody battle in court and are afraid of this...
What is the Difference Between Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Dependence?
When facing juvenile dependency courts, the results can seem quite grim. It's not easy deciding the future of families whose children have been removed from the home. In California, judges are handling hundreds of cases a day that involve families and children. If...
How is Child Support Calculated in California?
Calculating child support in California can be complicated for either parent. A calculator has been provided by the State of California and you can simply enter your relevant information into and the calculator will be able to determine how much might be paid....
What is Spousal Support, Also Known as Alimony?
If you've made more money than your spouse and are considering filing for divorce, brace yourself. You may be required to make alimony, also known as spousal support, payments. This includes spouses who worked while the other took care of the home. The payments are...
One Billion Rising to End Violence Against Women
This Valentine's Day will also be the day of One Billion Rising, a worldwide movement aiming to end all forms of violence against women. One in three women will be raped or beaten in their lifetime, usually by someone they know. Partners engaged in domestic violence...
Hoover ♦ Krepelka, LLP Makes the List of Best Child Support Lawyers in San Jose 2018
Expertise, a leading company that helps customers find qualified professionals in their area, has recently selected the San Diego Divorce and Family Law Attorneys of Hoover ♦ Krepelka as part of their "Top 20 Best Child Support Lawyers in San Jose 2018" list....
The New Tax Bill and its Impact on Divorcing Couples
Shortly before year-end, President Trump signed the "2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" into law. As is so often the case in law and government, the text of this 1,000-page law is intimidating. I cannot begin to pretend to be able to fully understand all its ins and outs,...
3 Resources You Can Use to Serve Divorce Papers to a Missing Spouse
You've filled out the paperwork and are ready to serve your spouse their divorce papers. In most cases, the papers can be delivered personally or sent through the mail. Easy, right? However, to your absolute shock, your spouse suddenly disappears. Now, you're left...
Is There a Difference in Divorce Procedures for Same-Sex Couples in California?
For same-sex couples seeking to end their partnership, there may be some confusion as to whether a same-sex divorce follows the same steps as a different sex divorce. Fortunately, divorce proceedings are the same for same and different sex partnerships. In the case of...