When a couple decides to legally separate, they may be unsure of their legal obligations to one another under the new status. Unlike in a divorce, spouses who are legally separated are still married, though they will also have a larger degree of financial independence...
Michelle Hoover
Legal Separation vs. Divorce: What’s the Difference?
When a couple experiences trouble in their marriage, it may not be immediately clear to them if divorce is the right move. Nevertheless, couples may feel that separation is necessary in the meantime, whether to give them breathing space to chart a path forward or to...
Who Gets to Stay in the Marital Home During Divorce in California?
When a couple decides to divorce, one of the first outward signs of their intention to split can be when one party leaves the marital home to live elsewhere. Although couples are not required to live separately to divorce in California, in most cases, living with...
Out-of-State Custody Arrangements
When parents divorce, the law favors what most parents desire—an equal ability and right to be with and co-parent their children when possible. However, doing so becomes much more complicated when ex-spouses don’t live near each other. In California and many other...
Hoover Krepelka Celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of the AAPI community to the culture and history of the United States. May was chosen as AAPI Heritage month both because the first Japanese immigrants...
Dealing with Offshore Accounts During a Divorce in California
In a high-value divorce, the complexity of a couple’s financial holdings can naturally make the fair division of marital property challenging. When there are offshore assets involved—or it is suspected that undisclosed offshore accounts may exist—that challenge grows....
Dividing Investment Property: Who Gets the Real Estate Investment Property in a Divorce?
In a high-net-worth divorce, dividing investment property may become one of the biggest bones of contention during negotiations over asset division. Unlike other types of assets, commercial or residential properties tend to more reliably appreciate in value, as well...
Your Silicon Valley Power Duo: Understanding the Relationship Between Attorneys and Forensic Accountants in Divorce
The division of assets in a divorce can have lasting repercussions for both parties, which is why it so frequently becomes one of the most contentious parts of dissolving a marriage. Partners often have competing views on what each is entitled to, and in situations...
From Offshore Accounts to Shell Companies: The Complex Role of a Forensic Investigator in Divorce
When a couple decides to divorce, dividing their shared property, assets, and liabilities and determining what support obligations are appropriate are a major part of unraveling their former life together. This process is often also a major source of acrimony,...
How Our Firm Navigates Athlete Divorce Settlements with a Focus on Spousal Support
It's not shocking that pro-athlete divorces are at a much higher rate than the national average. The marriages of professional athletes suffer under a unique set of stressors. Those at the height of their careers can bring in staggering amounts of wealth from generous...