When a marriage ends in divorce, finances are just one aspect of the major upheaval both parties will face. Splitting one household into two has obvious costs that inevitably influence negotiations as you try to reach an equitable asset division agreement and prepare...
Michelle Hoover
The Role of Spousal Support in Short- and Long-Term Marriages
When a couple gets divorced, settling the financial details and dividing the assets they accumulated during marriage can be one of the most contentious and difficult parts of the process. In addition, one spouse may seek spousal support (also known as alimony),...
Child Custody and Visitation During the Holidays
The final months of the year are a time of anticipation for beloved family holidays, but they can also be a source of heightened stress for divorced parents. If you’re already experiencing friction over your custody schedule, the compromises necessary to make any...
Reasons A Judge Will Deny Relocation
Are you afraid of facing relocation denial post divorce? After divorce, a parent may wish to move out of the area where they and their ex-spouse live for any of a variety of reasons. But while an adult has the legal right to move wherever they wish, they don’t...
When Home Changes: Child Custody Relocation And Your Parental Rights/Obligations
As families contemplate new horizons, the complex landscape of child custody relocation unfolds, presenting both challenges and opportunities for parents navigating the intricacies of moving with their children. It's a bit of a maze, but don't worry, we're here to...
Divorce Tax Implications You Need to Know
When couples are getting divorced, a great deal of thought and effort often goes into dividing up the financial assets they have accumulated over the course of the marriage. However, they should also consider divorce tax implications of the decisions they make, as...
Silicon Valley Compensation Packages and Divorce
Dividing tech compensation in a Silicon Valley divorce can become complex. Property division and determining spousal and/or child support during a divorce is already complicated, even when a couple’s income and financial holdings are relatively straightforward....
Cluster B Personality Disorders and Divorce
Maintaining a healthy relationship with someone who has a distorted view of themselves, unrealistic expectations of others, and no regard for anyone else’s feelings is nearly impossible. If you are exhausted by trying to cater to your spouse’s erratic behavior,...
Contentious Divorce
Every divorce represents a decision by one or both partners that the marriage can’t be saved, and that realization can carry guilt, shame, or anger with it. Sometimes, couples can put these feelings aside and politely work through dividing their assets and negotiating...
Divorcing a Narcissist
Acknowledging the end of a marriage and seeking divorce is never easy, but in the best of cases, it can be a mutual decision pursued with mutual respect and calm on both sides. However, when dealing with a narcissist, divorce is sure to be contentious, bringing out...