Divorcing couples in California typically need to divide their property either by agreeing with one another or by going to court. In litigated property division matters, a judge will make all of those decisions by applying community property laws to your shared...
Michelle Hoover
When is parallel parenting a better choice than co-parenting?
One of the most difficult parts of co-parenting for many newly separated and divorced couples is the communication it requires. Even minor changes in the parenting schedule can lead to bitter conflicts. Sitting together at soccer games and school plays to show your...
Should you separate your children after divorcing?
It is sometimes the case that two siblings don’t get along or have a negative relationship. In other cases, there is a single child who needs one-on-one attention while the other is more independent. Age gaps, differences in medical conditions and other situations may...
Can you change your child custody plan?
You have a custody and parenting plan that lets you see your child every other weekend because you had a complicated work schedule. Now, your work situation has changed and you wish to see your child more. Can you change your custody agreement? Yes, and it’s not as...
Dividing and remaking your philanthropic footprint as you divorce
When high-net-worth couples divorce, sometimes the causes they’ve supported over the years are among the casualties. That doesn’t have to be the case. Likely, you and your spouse both want to continue your commitment to your philanthropical efforts after your marriage...
Common issues relating to mental health in family law cases
In the U.S., one in five people suffer from a mental illness. Mental health is a growing concern in this country, and it impacts virtually every facet of life. In family law cases, it’s important to handle such issues with care. In a recent issue of Lawyer Monthly...
Divorce shouldn’t mean the end of saving for college
One of the biggest financial concerns for most parents is saving enough money for their children’s college education. The fact that you’re divorcing shouldn’t prevent your child from going to the college of their choice. Whether your child is still in elementary...
What does it mean to put your children first in divorce?
The law is clear on one aspect of all divorces involving children: The children’s needs have to be addressed first. What this means is that you need to do what is in the best interests of your children at all times. Whatever custody arrangements would be best for them...
There are two types of custody. You might not get both.
People often assume that child custody is an umbrella term referring to who gets to parent the child at a certain time. They often focus on where the child is going to live because this is important when planning out a custody schedule. But there are actually two...
Can I travel with my children after separation or divorce?
For most parents getting divorced or separated, their primary concern is the well-being of their children. However, what that entails may differ between you and your ex and can be a great source of conflict. One such thing that may be a source of conflict is travel....