Cryptocurrency, once known only to a relatively small number of enthusiasts, has been popularized over the last few years, encouraging casual investors to put money into digital currencies. As the number of individuals holding cryptocurrency assets has grown, the...
Michelle Hoover
Protecting Your Business In A Divorce In The State Of California
When entrepreneurs divorce, the businesses they have created and grown create layers of complexity that other divorces will likely not have. In this article, we will address primary concerns business owners have and how you can protect your business in a divorce....
Co-Parenting in the Digital Age: Navigating Family Law in the Era of Social Media
Social media is an ubiquitous part of daily life for most people, so much so that they may not give a second thought to the photos and status updates they post online for friends, family, or the public to view. For divorcing parents, however, social media can become a...
Family Law FAQ: What Is It, And How Does It Work For Me?
1. What is family law? “Family Law” legislates issues that pertain to family relationships, including marriages, parents-children, and registered domestic partnerships. Family law is designed to define the rights and responsibilities of all parties in these...
Using Forensic Accountants In Divorce Financial Investigations
A Forensic accountant in a divorce proceeding plays a critical role. The division of marital assets and liabilities is often one of the greatest sources of tension in a divorce proceeding. Much of that tension can be relieved if both spouses had equal access to joint...
Divorce Risk Factors: Relationship Red Flags
No divorce occurs overnight but what are the warning signs of divorce? Even if a crisis event seems responsible for triggering the divorce, for instance, one spouse's infidelity, it is unlikely that the event occurred entirely in a vacuum. These relationship...
Family Law, Paternity Disputes and Genetic Testing
The recent scandal involving President Biden's son, Hunter, and his child-producing affair with Lunden Roberts, has once again brought the legality of establishing paternity through genetic testing to the forefront of the public eye. Ms. Roberts alleged that her...
When Same-Sex Couples Divorce: LGBTQ+ and Family Law
Family Law And LGBTQ+ Rights Two important Supreme Court decisions, Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and Pavan v. Smith (2017), officially established national recognition of non-traditional, LGBTQ+ relationships. Before those decisions, each state individually passed laws...
Artificial Intelligence and Family Law: The Good And The Questionable
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a popular topic these days as new programs and applications become available to the public. What was mere science fiction yesterday has become the reality of today. Proponents of this technology point to the incredible benefits it can...
Getting A Divorce In California: A Step-By-Step Guide
We often get questions surrounding the California divorce process and what to expect, so we have decided to explain this process in six steps. We have written much more extensively on each of these steps in other blogs, and we invite you to learn more through...